Advantages of Online Learning

The Covid-19 pandemic has had a profound impact on all of our lives, not least those involved in the language travel industry: schools, teachers, and students alike. And yet, the appetite for learning a new language remains unchanged. And thanks to the advent of new technology, ICLS has successfully launched several fully online programs that leverage the many opportunities that technology has to offer.
Does Online Learning Meet Students' Needs?
Recognizing the limitations for language learners that government restrictions around the world have placed on foreign travel, ICLS utilizes the latest technological innovations to provide the ideal live online learning platform, offering the real feel of the classroom for students learning online.
In a recently published industry survey conducted by the International Association of Language Centres (IALC), of which ICLS is proud to be an accredited member, on the impact of Covid-19 on the language school sector, over 93% of foreign language students were ‘satisfied’ or ‘better than satisfied’ with their online language learning experience. 16% of respondents in the survey cited cost as the main benefit of online language learning, 23% cited the flexible timetables offered by schools and 61% cited learning from the comfort of your own home as the most significant benefit.
So, let’s look a little deeper at the advantages of online learning:
Learning from the comfort and safety of your own home
This, as we’ve noted above, is unarguably one of the greatest advantages of learning a language live online. Students learning a language online at ICLS can pitch themselves anywhere they like in their home, flip open their laptop and they’re ready to go. No need to dress up, you can learn in your pajamas if you feel like it. Indeed, online language students can continue to learn from practically anywhere, as long as they have a decent broadband connection.
Travel and costs
Travel and expenses are unavoidable factors for all students eager to learn a new language. Engaging in live online learning face-to-face is significantly more cost-effective than the conventional in-person approach, which usually requires language learners to journey long distances to the school and incur additional expenses for parking or transportation. Moreover, the elimination of the need to travel and secure accommodation further reduces time, costs, and inconvenience, making the benefits of live online language learning increasingly attractive.
Live online lessons that replicate traditional face-to-face learning
The ICLS Online Group Program offers an opportunity to learn a language online in group classes. Choose among Spanish, Arabic, Chinese Mandarin, French, Russian and Brazilian Portuguese classes online. We have a strong communicative and student-oriented approach to teaching and emphasize authentic language use. With our small class size, students have plenty of opportunity to practice their language skills. All classes are taught by qualified teachers with near-native proficiency in the target language. Online foreign language group classes meet Monday through Thursday in 10-week sessions. ICLS offers four sessions per year.
Students find it easier to find their voice online
Studying in a traditional classroom can, for some students, be an intimidating experience. When you’re learning a new language, it’s absolutely essential that you speak up and make your voice heard. Speaking is the best way to learn a language. The live virtual classroom at ICLS takes all the pressure off, and as students are already studying in a comfortable setting away from distractions and the anxieties of the traditional classroom, many will feel much more at ease. Many language students learning a language live online really do find it easier to find their voice, and with this comes added confidence, self-belief, and improved learning outcomes.
Using other resources while learning
As students are learning on their laptops or tablets, they will have plenty of opportunity to make good use of the technology while in their virtual classroom. Perhaps the teacher mentions something you’re not sure about such as a place name or an unfamiliar expression. Simply open a new tab on your browser and look it up. You wouldn’t be able to do this in a traditional classroom setting but you certainly can in the ICLS virtual classroom!
Meeting new people and connecting with your classmates
Just as with traditional face-to-face in-school learning, live online language students at ICLS will continue to enjoy the same opportunities for interaction in class with people from all over the world, with the shared common goal of learning a new language. Students will remain in the same, small class (6-8 max) throughout their course, enabling them to foster lasting friendships that will extend well beyond the online classroom.
If you hadn’t thought about it before, you will certainly have recognized by now that there really are advantages of online language learning.